The samples used  
The long-read RNA-seq data used in this database and summary of the identified BSJs/circRNA isoforms.

Data Format Information type Size Date URL
Sample information XLSX IDENTIFICATION 21KB 2023-6-19

  The developed tool  
cORF detection

Data Format Information type Size Date URL
cORF analyze Python FUNCTION 7.8kB 2023-6-28

  The generated data  

Data Species Format Information type Size Date Download
Full length isoform data Human CSV IDENTIFICATION 658MB 2023-5-24
Full length isoform data Mouse CSV IDENTIFICATION 65MB 2023-5-24
BSJ data Human CSV IDENTIFICATION 211MB 2023-6-15
BSJ data Mouse CSV IDENTIFICATION 33.5MB 2023-6-15
isoform RPM tau_sample data Human TSV EXPRESSION 35MB 2023-4-2
isoform RPM tau_sample data Mouse TSV EXPRESSION 5MB 2023-4-2
BSJ entropy data Human CSV EXPRESSION 143MB 2023-6-19
BSJ entropy data Mouse CSV EXPRESSION 28MB 2023-6-19
miRNA binding sites in circRNA sequence Human TSV FUNCTION 6GB 2023-8-22
miRNA binding sites in circRNA sequence Mouse TSV FUNCTION 835MB 2023-8-22
RBP binding sites in circRNA sequence Human TSV FUNCTION 25GB 2023-8-22
RBP binding sites in circRNA sequence Mouse TSV FUNCTION 371MB 2023-8-22
RBP binding sites crossing BSJ Human TSV FUNCTION 414MB 2023-8-22
RBP binding sites crossing BSJ Mouse TSV FUNCTION 36.5MB 2023-8-22
RBP binding sites in flanking sequences Human TSV FUNCTION 18GB 2023-8-22
RBP binding sites in flanking sequences Mouse TSV FUNCTION 428MB 2023-8-22
cORF nucleotide sequence Human FASTA FUNCTION 855MB 2023-6-28
cORF nucleotide sequence Mouse FASTA FUNCTION 98.8MB 2023-6-28
cORF peptide sequence Human FASTA FUNCTION 423MB 2023-6-28
cORF peptide sequence Mouse FASTA FUNCTION 45.5MB 2023-6-28
IRES information Human CSV FUNCTION 9.44MB 2022-11-7
IRES information Mouse CSV FUNCTION 39.9KB 2022-11-7
m6A information Human CSV FUNCTION 283MB 2022-11-7
m6A information Mouse CSV FUNCTION 50.1MB 2022-11-7
TIS information Human CSV FUNCTION 7.7MB 2022-11-7
TIS information Mouse CSV FUNCTION 1.37MB 2022-11-7