KDmarkers (A biomarker database for Kawasaki disease)

Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute systemic vasculitis that primarily affects children and is the most commonly acquired heart disease. However, the etiopathogenesis of KD remains unknown, and the diagnosis of KD is based on subjective clinical symptoms. There are still no molecular biomarkers for KD diagnosis. We have shown that combined usage of methylation array and transcriptome array allows researchers to identify genes that are differentially methylated/expressed in KD patients compared to the controls. Here we constructed KDmarkers, the first biomarker database for KD diagnosis. KDmarkers provides three search modes:
1. Users can search genes that are differentially methylated or/and differentially expressed in KD patients compared to the controls.
2. For the gene of interest, users can check whether it is differentially methylated or/and differentially expressed in KD patients.
3. For the gene of interest, users can see its DNA methylation level and gene expression level in all samples (KD patients and controls).

All analysis results can be downloaded for downstream experimental designs.

Update History

  • 2021 June: Release KDmarkers.
  • 2021 Jan.: Develop the web interface of KDmarkers.
  • 2020 Dec.: Construct the MySQL database.
  • 2020 Nov: Process data from DNA methylation chips and gene expression chips.
  • 2020 June: Start KDmarkers project.

Last Update: May 15, 2021.